Thursday, February 10, 2011

Open Upper Blepharoplasty

A popular type of cosmetic surgery  that remove excess skin, fat or muscle from droppy upper eyelids.  It improves baggy skin under the eyes, sinking upper eyelids or drooping eyelashes that impair vision.

Preparation before Surgery
During the consultation, you and your surgeon will discuss the changes that you would like to make in your appearance. He/she will explain the different options available to you, the procedure itself, and its risks and limitations. He/she will also explain the kind of anesthesia required, surgical facility, and costs.

Your surgeon will begin by asking for a complete medical history, and then examine the skin and fat around your eyes. He/she may also examine your eyesight, peripheral vision, and tear ducts. You should tell him/her about any related symptoms you may have, including any dryness of the eyes, changes in vision or eye pain.

Surgical Procedures
The upper eyelid incision is made in the natural skin fold. Excess skin and fatty tissue is removed, the muscles and orbital septum (a thin connective tissue membrane) may be tightened, and the incisions are carefully closed. The external incisions are hidden within the natural fold of the upper eyelids. Much of the operation is done with a very fine electrocautery, which controls any bleeding. The skin is then closed with very fine sutures.

Post –Operative Care
Your eyes will likely be lubricated and covered with bandages after surgery. Oral medications will help with pain and discomfort. Report any unmanageable pain to your doctor immediately. The doctor will also prescribe an antibiotic to prevent infection.
You will receive a list of instructions to follow for several days, including:
·        the proper way to clean your eyes
·        use of cold compresses
·        use of lubricating eye drops
·        head elevation
·        no makeup
·        no alcohol
·        no television
·        no contact lenses
Stitches are removed about a week after surgery. Bruising and swelling will continue to decrease after stitches are removed. Sunglasses and protective sun block are required for several weeks.
Normal activities can resume after about 10 days, though strenuous activities such as lifting, bending and exercise can resume after about three weeks.

Possible Risks and Complication
Significant complications from upper eyelid blepharoplasty are infrequent. As witany surgical procedure, however, there is always a possibility of infection, or reaction to the anesthesia. Retrobulbar hematoma - (bleeding behind the eye) - rare, but can cause loss of vision.Temporary problems with excessive tearing .Decreased sensation in the eyelid. Dryness, burning, stinging, gritty sensation in your eye(s) .Prominence or firmness of the scars. Asymmetry in healing or scarring .Milia or whiteheads where the sutures emanate from the skin. Difficulty closing their eyes completely; in rare cases, this condition may be permanent. Further surgery may correct this problem.You can help minimize certain risks by following the advice and instructions of your plastic surgeon, both before and after your eyelid surgery.

For more information about the procedures you may contact: International Marketing Coordinator:, or call  mobile phone: +66816572522, Tel : (02) 753-9206

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